Sunday, July 26, 2015

To the Church of America

I was asked recently, if Paul were alive today, what would he say to the Church of America? I thought this would be a good topic to write about so this is the beginning of what I have come up with. I plan to add to this over a few months. I took on the role as Paul, through myself. Let me know what you think.

Here goes.....

To the body of the church in America,

I am writing to you to be a reminder of the promise made to you by Christ, because sadly many of the church leaders that you follow, have twisted the Word in such a way for their own gain; and they have used the church to make a profit. What is the word for making money with the body? Prostitution! Much of the body of Christ has been forced into prostitution without even knowing it. Aside from that there are many more issues with this church. Many of you have become so complacent with your faith and you no longer have the fire and desire to know YHWH your God. You allow your leaders to convince you that YHWH no longer wants you to follow His word, so you exchange the truth for a lie. The temptation to continue in the ways of the world while also gaining everlasting life has overcome too many of my brethren. You believe the men that tell you that YHWH commanded you for 4000 years to follow His commands and observe His feasts, while Satan fought to get you to ignore these things. But now, Satan wants you to follow YHWH’s commands and observe His feasts, while YHWH only wants you to live a life that you feel is comfortable and easy going. This makes absolutely no sense. Christ Himself tells us that we will have tribulation in this life. We must continue to test all spirits. If our church leaders will not tell us what we need to know, we must take it upon ourselves to ensure our salvation.

You, church of America, have shown a lack of love for your brethren. You have become tolerant of sin and instead of warning your brother about sin, you have condoned it. Stand up for your God, let your brothers know what sin is. If you love them, you must speak up. Do not allow them to live another day in sin. Adultery, murder, homosexuality, lust, anger among others are still very relevant today. With our time being so short before the return of our Savior, YOU must take a stand. No longer can you be ashamed of His name. Embrace it! Yeshua Ha’Machiac IS our savior, He died for our sin. The church of America is continuing to kill our Savior. Every sin is another lash.

Your poor live in the streets with no food or water, no shelter, but instead of lending a helping hand, you allow your leaders to install spikes on the walkways to deter them from sleeping in your streets. You have allowed your leaders to impose laws that punish those that do try to help the less fortunate. How can you claim to be full of the love of YHWH but yet stand by and watch this hate as if it were normal. If this does not grieve your heart, there is no love in you.

In your church houses, women come in dressed as immodest as a prostitute. This should not be. For Christ Himself said that even the lustful thought is likened to adultery. Why are your women choosing to dress so promiscuously in the house of YHWH? Ill tell you why. Everywhere you look in America you see nakedness. It is on billboards and on your television. It is in the music you listen to and in the stores you shop in. It is polluting your minds and the minds of your children. Allowing your children to grow up believing this is the way things should be is only the beginning of the problem. Every generation intends to push the limits further than the one before them. I remember hearing stories of a time when seeing a woman's ankle skin was enough to drive a man wild. Today, a man isnt driven wild for anything less than sexual contact. 

You, church of America, must stand up, and take back your land. You must put an end to the sin that has overtaken your land. Stop letting the enemy rule you. You have the power of Christ in you. He is to be our example. We must walk as He walked. Follow in His ways. He showed love and compassion to all that needed it, especially the sinners. He helped them, and told them to sin no longer. That is an example of what we should be doing. Help the sinner, but let them know what it is they have done wrong. You do not have to be nasty in order to show the transgression of YHWH’s law. Simply point it out. Yeshua followed all the feast days, and He also broke no law of YHWH. This too is an example that we must follow. Will we fail? As long as we are making the attempt and strive to be like Christ, Grace will be there to catch us if we do. The harder we try and the longer we strive, the easier it becomes to live a sinless life. It is like anything, the more you practice the easier it is to do. We must tear ourselves away from the ways of the world. Stop worshipping our God the way other cultures worship their gods. We were commanded this. Let us stand up as a nation and live Godly lives of love and sinlessness. 

I do not know what exactly it is the Church of American must do, but I am beginning to think that it is already too late. I believe to turn around this country, and bring the Church back to YHWH will take no less that an act of YHWH Himself. 

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